Theme Colors

All premium themes are designed so you can easily customize their color scheme without any coding at all.

In the Customize, you will find a set of options that you can use to change the color of the theme’s main design elements.

The Color Palette

All themes are designed using two different colors in their layout: a primary and a secondary color. These colors are used on different areas of the layout and can be customized to suit your needs.

Text Colors

In addition to customizing the color scheme of the layout, you can also tweak the colors of the text elements within the theme. There are up to three different types of text available to you for customization:

Headings Color

This field will set the color of all the headings in the theme, namely the H1-H6 HTML tags.

Navigation Color

The navigation color field will change the color of the main menu. This color may not carry over to the drop-down elements within the menu, and it will only affect the main navigation area.

Body Text

The body text field changes the default text color of the theme, affecting any text color that doesn’t have a particular color overriding it. This will normally affect all text paragraphs and page content.