Header Images

Add header images to every sub-page or use different ones per page.
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Our themes make use of the native WordPress header images, which let you pick an image and use it as a splash banner. This is done in the Appearance > Customize > Header Image or Appearance > Customize > General Theme Options > Header Image section.

Each theme may incorporate the header image in a different way: some will display it in a closed box, and others may use it as a background image beneath the page title. Be aware that header images are NOT set using the featured image of a post or page.

Header images are used only on the sub-pages of the site, and will not appear in the homepage. They will be present in every sub-page regardless of the type of content: posts, pages, categories, and any taxonomy.

The theme is designed so the title of a page will remain consistent even if a plugin is used (such as the store pages in WooCommerce).

Normally, you may only use a single header image for the entire website.

Using different header images for each page

You can extend the functionality of the header images and use different ones in each page, post, or category by installing the WP Display Header plugin. Upon installing this plugin, you may upload additional header images and select the preferred one in each page. WP Display Header was tested with our themes and it is fully compatible with them.

You add all the header images you want to use through the Appearance > Customize > General Theme Options > Header image > Add new image > Save. And then edit the page, post, etc where you want a different header and scroll down to header and select one of the images you just uploaded.