Loading Demo Content

How to recreate the original theme demo on your site.
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All premium themes come with the option to import the contents of the live demos. This option help you recreate the original demo, minus a few configuration options.

The demo content is also available for certain free themes. However, please keep in mind that it might vary from the PRO theme.

How to Import the Demo Content

To start importing the demo content go to Appearance > About Theme Name > Recommended actions > and follow the steps there. First you will need to install the recommended plugins and activate them, and then download the sample data and import it. When importing the posts, please make sure to check ‘Download and import file attachments’.

This is the easiest option to import the demo content. However, if for some reason this does not work you can also follow the steps below, but as a second solution.

Install The WordPress Importer

To load the included XML file, you’ll need to install the WordPress Importer plugin beforehand. This plugin is the one that will do all the work when converting the file into actual posts, categories, and settings. To install it:

  1. Go to the Tools menu in the WordPress admin.
  2. Select the Import option.
  3. From the list of import platforms, select WordPress.
  4. If the plugin is not installed already, you will be shown the plugin’s profile page, and offered the option to install it. Click on Install.
  5. After installation is complete, click on Activate and Run Importer.

Once the importer has been installed, you can directly run it, or alternatively access it through the Tools > Import > WordPress menu.

Run The Importer

  1. Select your XML file from your PC, then click on Upload File and Import.
  2. As the import file is processed, you will be asked whether you wish to assign the imported posts to an existing author, or to create new users. This is entirely your choice. The thing you should keep in mind, though, is to click on Download and Import File Attachments. This option will also look for the original source of all the uploaded files, and try to grab a copy. If the files are not on their original location, this option will not work.

With this, you’re done! Keep in mind that some settings like the permalink structure and blog title will not be imported, so you need to set them up by yourself. The theme options page will not be imported either, so make sure to configure it as part of the setup procedure.