If you are just looking to translate parts of a theme without having to alter the theme’s files then the Say What? plugin is the best choice for you. This plugin is completely free, very easy to use, and was tested with our themes. You can download the plugin from here.
To install it go to your Dashboard > Plugins > Add new > search for ‘Say what’. Once you find it, install and activate it. Or if you download the zip file from the link above, select the zip file, install and activate it.
Say what? will translate any string of text you need. To use it go to Dashboard > Tools > Text changes > Add new > add the text you want translated – make sure to copy it exactly as it is, without extra spaces.
Original string – is the text you are trying to translate.
Text domain – you need to know this information beforehand. Usually you can find the text domain in the file style.css
Text context – you do not need to add anything here
Replacement string – here is where you add your translation.
Below is an example:
Click add and that’s all! Repeat the steps above for a different string of text and you will have your website translated in no time.