All premium themes come with a number of widgets in addition to the default ones provided by the WordPress core. They are meant to give you more flexibility when creating content for your widget areas, as the baseline ones are somewhat limited. These custom widgets have the CPO prefix in their name so you can more easily identify them.
Following is a list of the provided widegts, and their overall functionality.
Ad Space
This widget displays an image of your choice or an advertising code. It is meant to facilitate the display of advertising banners without having to resort to manually adding HTML with the default text widget. This widget can be used both for advertising purposes and to simply add images linking to a specific URL.
Flickr Stream
This widget displays a list of the most recent images uploaded to a Flickr account. You may choose the number of images you wish to display, up to 12. You must provide the account ID for the Flickr user you wish to use. To find out what the account ID is, you can use a service such as idGettr.
Recent Posts
This widget shows a listing of the most recent entries in your WordPress install. This widget overlaps with the default Recent Posts widget, but also displays a small thumbnail for each post.
Twitter Stream
This widget shows a list of the most recent tweets from a Twitter account. You may choose which user account to display, as well as the number of tweets to be shown. Due to Twitter updating its API version to 1.1, you now need to create an application using your Twitter account for this widget to work.